Join expert Francis Bucaille as he presents the divergence of cultivated systems from original climaxes, such as forests. Learn the main physical characteristics that change from one system to the other, and how their profound impact on plant nutrient intake.
This video has been produced by Ver de Terre in collaboration with Gaiago, Sol en Caux and CER Normandie.
Farmers in our local networks tell us about their challenges, and we select videos produced by our international partners and translate the content into Greek. Our team is working on producing original videos to cover any remaining identified needs.
Μια επισκόπηση των εργαλείων που χρησιμοποιούνται στην αναγεννητική γεωργία με περαιτέρω συνδέσμους με τις καλύτερες πληροφορίες, άρθρα και επαγγελματίες.