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The benefits of regenerative farming on the farming operation and on the ecosystem have been proven in many scientific studies. Find some of them here.
Den Herder M., Burgess P.J, Mosquera-Losada M.R., Herzog F., Hartel T., Upson M., Viholainen I., Rosati A. (2015), “Preliminary stratification and quantification of agroforestry in Europe”, Milestone Report 1.1 for EU FP7 AGFORWARD Research Project (613520).
Altieri, M.A. & Rosset, P., (1996), “Agroecology and the conversion of
lárge-scale conventional systems to sustainable management”,
International Journal of Environmental Studies, 50:3-4.
Armengot, L. et al., (2016), “Cacao agroforestry systems have higher
return on labor compared to full-sun monocultures”, Agronomy for
Sustainable Development, 36.
Jacobi J., Andres C., Schneider, M., Pillco, M., Calizaya, P., Rist S.,
(2014), “Carbon stocks, tree diversity, and the role of organic
certification in different cocoa production systems in Alto Beni, Bolivia”,
Agroforestry Systems.
Kremen C., Iles A. Bacon C.M., (2012), “Diversified Farming Systems:
An agroecological, systems-based alternative to modern industrial
agriculture”, Ecology and Society, 17(4): 44.
Kremen C., Miles A., (2012), “Ecosystem services in biologically
diversified versus conventional farming systems: benefits, externalities,
and trade-offs”, Ecology and Society, 17(4): 40.
Nair P.K.R., (1987), “Agroforestry systems in major ecological zones of
the tropics and subtropics”, International Council for
Research in Agroforestry, Nairobi, Kenya.
Schulz B., Becker B., Götsch E., (1994), “Indigenous knowledge in a
“modern” sustainable agroforestry system—a case study from Brazil”, Agroforestry Systems, 25: 59-69.
Farmer Ben Taylor-Davis has personally read, rated and organized over 550 books around Regenerative Agriculture and related topics! We thank him for transforming his passion for reading into a highly useful tool for all!
Edible Forest Gardens Vol 1 & 2 - Dave Jacke & Eric Toensmeier
Holistic management - Allan savory
How to make small farms work - Richard Perkins
l'Encyclopédie des plantes bio-indicatrices - Gerard ducerf (FR)
Mycelium running - Paul stamets
Rainwater Harvesting for drylands and beyond Vol 1 and 2 - Brad Lancaster
Regenerative agriculture - Richard Perkins
Regrarians handbook - Darren Doherty & Georgi Pavlov
Restoration agriculture - Mark Shepard
Teaming with Microbes - Jeff Lowenfels
Teaming with Nutrients - Jeff Lowenfels
Teaming with Fungi - Jeff Lowenfels
Teaming with Bacteria - Jeff Lowenfels
The Market Gardener - Jean-Martin Fortier
Vida em Sintropia - Dayana Andrade, Felipe Pasini (PT)
Water for any farm - Mark Shepard
Water for every farm : the Yeoman's keyline plan
Fantastic Fungi
Inhabit: a permaculture prespective
Kiss the ground
Lessons of the Loess plateau, John D. Liu
Life in Syntropy, Agenda Götsch
The man who stopped the desert, Yacouba Sawadogo
The need to grow
The Regenerative Agroforestry Podcast, hosted by Etienne Compagnon and Dimitri Tsitos
Other good resources on regenerative agroforestry can be found on their website.